Archive for January, 2013

031/365 coke united

031/365 coke united, originally uploaded by ajbrusteinthreesixfive.

finished up another season, no playoffs this time although we did win today to end up in second place. Today was the official farewell game for Rodolfo (guess which one he is) as he gets ready to move on to bigger and better things in Mexico.

030/365 this is why I do it

today my 366 book arrived. These projects are a huge commitment, but when I look back at them, they are worth it all +more. I guess I need to take a picture of a new camera for the 2013 book…

029/365 new light

029/365 new light, originally uploaded by ajbrusteinthreesixfive.

got new dining room stuff last weekend and finally got the finishing touch, the new light, up today. Unfortunately it had 4 broken pieces so might have to do it all over but couldn’t resist a closeup shot today.

028/365 fill ‘er up

every so often I need to go in for a refill. Today was one of those days.

027/365 tilford sunrise

how could I let a January go by without getting at least one sunrise shot at my neighbor, CSX’s Tilford Yard. Today wasn’t that spectacular but what was interesting was that I finally ran into another photographer for the first time ever. He couldn’t have been that hard core though – he came just as I was leaving so not really sure what his intentions were.

026/365 thinking inside the box

with Amazon deliveries, upgrading to a grownup dining table, and who knows what else, part of living an online life means also living with tons of cardboard boxes. At least we have enough that we each get our own. Mine was a bit deeper than I thought.

025/365 chicken soup for the soul

or for the sick guy who can’t figure out what is wrong with him. Either way, it tastes good! Thanks Toshimi!

024/365 why is this happening to me?

for some reason inside this fog I am living in I keep channeling my inner David After Dentist. I imagine this is what his day was like. Only I don’t get 100 million views out of it. I do get to test the powers of my new Camera+ app though.

023/365 is this real life?

you know how David After Dentist felt? That is how I felt today. Couldn’t sleep last night, had to go to the office, left early to go get my car fixed, and spent the day in a fog. I figured I’d take an hff and realized it is Wednesday. So, happy fence wednesday.

022/365 warp speed

022/365 warp speed, originally uploaded by ajbrusteinthreesixfive.

flying down Peachtree St trying not to be late. Was late. Misaligned a tire. And got some interesting glancing from people checking out my camera setup at stop lights – don’t ask…