Archive for March, 2011

090/365 cokecap

090/365 cokecap, originally uploaded by ajbrusteinthreesixfive.

So, as I said, macro lenses are nice, but these macro filters on top of the macro lens open up a whole new world. This is a 90mm lens with a 10x filter. And what else to play with than of course my beloved Coke bottles. I had nicer bottler caps but wanted to use one that looked like it had some experiences…

089/365 dropsoflove

089/365 dropsoflove, originally uploaded by ajbrusteinthreesixfive.

I have recently been inspired by the recent decision by the English language’s most respected dictionary – the Oxford English Dictionary – deciding to including “<3" as an official English word. Yes, the heat symbol. As in, "I ❤ Flickr." Anyway, it inspired two shots – this is one of them. The other I haven't taken yet. I always wanted to do an up close drop shot, but was never able to until my macro filters arrived yesterday. Oh, how I love these things. So, expect to see more major macros coming up. And probably more drops shots to – and I promise to improve…

088/365 latenightmunchies

So apparently even 17 month old baby girls get the late night munchies. In this case, Nyla is caught during her “secret” fridge raid, on her tippy toes trying to get to the cheese. Its fine for now cause it is Kraft singles, but when she starts demanding Caciocavallo we are going to have a problem.

087/365 typicalatlanta?

I had a late night at the office and wasn’t in the mood to take a photo after getting home so decided I wanted to stop somewhere to grab a quick pic. I drive by this place a lot and figured it would be a good typical Atlanta shot – so, here you have it – Waffle House and the pawn shop.

086/365 nhl

086/365 nhl, originally uploaded by ajbrusteinthreesixfive.

Probably the most boring picture I will post this year, but didn’t really have a chance to take anything better. Did want to capture my first trip to a hockey game since the 90s probably. And as I remembered, a lot more exciting than baseball, equal to basketball, and not as good as football. But most important, easiest to understand and enjoy for people (my wife) who don’t know anything about sports and not interested in learning.

085/365 hanginatthemall

Nyla wanted to wear her new rainbow dress. And since it was a rainy day, we decided to check out the not so popular Cumberland Mall down the street. While wasting time there, we went into Spencer’s Gifts for some odd reason and found they have tons of baby stuff – which was surprising… Anyway, they had this awesome baby fedora hat which I had to get for Nyla. And I guess she liked it cause she actually left it on her head – and gave me a face perfect for the hat. Thanks baby!

084/365 thebettertohearyouwith

Out of ideas? Can’t seem to see anything good? Nothing come to mind? Tried to sniff something out? Can’t put your finger on it? Well, why not try to hear it out.

083/365 japanesedinner

I’ll admit it. I am a picky eater. But I definitely broadened my menu after living in Japan. Now I love the food, and when it is at home waiting for me at dinner time – you can’t beat that! (Especially when there really aren’t any great Japanese restaurants in Atlanta and the best Japanese food you can get here my wife makes!)

082/365 uselesspen

082/365 uselesspen, originally uploaded by ajbrusteinthreesixfive.

I got this pen and two cool bottles of ink as a gift when I left Japan. I thought it was super cool but then I realized I never write anymore, and when I do, I usually use a mechanical pencil. So, although I love this pen, it is pretty useless to me. In fact, this picture is the first time I have ever used it. Kinda sad. And now as I look at the shot, I think I should have placed it on something more interesting – like some kind of paper… Oh well, maybe next time.

081/365 ladybuginflight

Walked around the neighborhood with my camera hoping to get some cherry blossoms or some interesting nice smelling purple hanging flower-things but neither worked out. As I was checking out the planted flowers I noticed a couple of ladybugs walking around and started shooting them. After going rapid fire on this one, I was able to catch him just as he took off. Never realized how big the wings are that are hidden underneath the cute polka dots.