Archive for December, 2012

366/366 the stress of it all

yep, totally losing my hair over this project. But just like last year, same place, same thing – I look back and am happy I did it all. And I’ll do it again starting tomorrow. And I want to thank everyone that helped make it possible – first of all my family who sometimes are (un)willing models and sometimes actually pulling the trigger, to Coke for sending me around the world and keeping the project interesting, to my friends who keep checking out my work and keep me motivated, and I guess to me for somehow keeping this up for 731 consecutive shots.

365/366 kylie loves…

doing her CHU (kiss) mouth – so on the way home from NOLA we did our regular stops at Love’s truck stops (took two stops this time due to the distance and the speed I was going which certainly wan’t the most fuel efficient mph) and at the second night stop, Kylie was doing her CHU face so we all joined in on the Kylie CHU face.

364/366 nap time

364/366 nap time, originally uploaded by ajbrusteinthreesixfive.

when we travel with the kids, we actually get a good amount of both-girls-sleeping time. It means we need to bring a double stroller to make that happen, but I like the double stroller because it means I can put my camera stuff in there too and don’t have to break my back lugging this stuff around. Anyway, this moment was a two kids sleeping moment – random so symmetric yet so sloppy house. Stuck Toshimi in the middle, and there you have it.

363/366 cafe du monde

today we explored New Orleans. We ate a lot of food, and in particular we ate too many beignets – going to two different Cafe Du Mondes, one in some crappy old forgotten mall called Riverwalk and then the original one in the French Quarter which is 150+ years old and has been serving coffee and beignets for that amount of time. You can see how easily they transform flour and powdered sugar into cash – it is crazy. Nice business. Anyway, this is a shot of the outside of the original location after the rain stopped.

362/366 welcome to LA

not Los Angeles, but the official LA, Louisiana (LA being the official state abbreviation). 8 hours on the road from Atlanta through Alabama and Mississippi (two states I also had never been to) we made our first steps in Louisiana on our way to New Orleans. We’ll be here for the next couple of days and this trip should conclude the-places-we-want-to-go-in-the-Southeast-that-we-can-drive-to list.

361/366 wrapping paper joy

i really don’t know why, but I am addicted to collecting wrapping paper. I don’t even like wrapping presents, just having lots of wrapping paper. And there is never a better time to stock up than at the Day After Christmas sales. Today’s catch includes these plus a few others…

360/366 jewish christmas

if yesterday was Japanese Christmas, today is Jewish Christmas. This of course means ordering Chinese food for dinner. But what it really means is that we use any excuse we can find to eat unhealthy food over the holidays. It was a great Christmas – thanks to all that helped make it one, and hope that everyone else had a great one as well!

359/366 japanese christmas dinner

as I have mentioned here before, the KFC marketers in Japan are geniuses. They have convinced the entire population of Japan that you are supposed to eat KFC at Christmas. And because of this, you now have to make a reservation for KFC 1 month in advance just to get takeout. Anyway, after 8 years in Japan, we have imported that tradition and the 24th is now traditionally KFC night in the Brustein house (we’d do the 25th but the KFC aren’t open – we tried our first year…). Anyway, great to have Aunt Darrah and Uncle Joe over to dinner as well. Merry Christmas everyone!

358/366 santa came to my house!

said Nyla, when Daddy came home. Santa’s timing is always so inconvenient – it seems like he purposely tries to avoid showing up the same time I am around… Very odd. Anyway, Kylie wished he didn’t show up at all and Nyla did her best good girl impression hoping Santa would get the message and get back on his sleigh already.

357/366 japanese garden

thankfully the world didn’t end yesterday. That would have been a shame. Otherwise, we wouldn’t have been able to use our free passes to the Atlanta Botanical Garden today. Sadly though, this is perhaps the closest I have been to Japan in 2.5 years 😦