Archive for December, 2010


January 1st, 2011. The start of a new year, and the first day of everyone’s new year’s resolutions. In fact, the only day when the majority of people still remember their new year’s resolutions. Lose weight, save money, find a girlfriend, etc etc. Why wait till new year’s resolutions to do those things anyway? Well, this year, it is going to be different for me. A perfect storm of reasons collided just yesterday to point me in the right direction – my 2011 new year’s resolution is to take at least one photo a day. It is called photoproject – threesixfive and what it means is that I will take and post one photo a day for 365 days (all of 2011) to document my life in pictures. It shouldn’t be that difficult – I have a plethora of photo-snapping devices from DSLRs to P&Ss to video cams to cell phones to webcams to even a couple of polaroids so that excuse is out the window. Flickr will host them and WordPress will display them. And with mobile publishing, travel shouldn’t even be an issue. Really, the only things that could hold me back are having too many shots to choose from, lack of creativity, or willpower to keep going.

The perfect storm that I mentioned was really jut a combination of getting back into taking shots, having an awesome new lens, a clean camera sensor (finally), learning about HDR, having a photogenic baby, and then reading a blog post of a 365 day project that someone was doing. I think the coolness of it all will be realized after the project is done and I look back at my year in pictures, but what got me motivated to do it was my feeling that something like this is just what I need to break me free from the landscape photography or beautiful baby subject state of mind that I am in and hopefully get me to more of the artistic / creative side of photography that is able to find beauty or interest in a scene that at first glance doesn’t necessarily have any at all. That is what I am after. I imagine some of the photos will be pretty damn boring. But that’s OK. It is a living experiment and all I hope is that I have the stamina to pull it out to the end.

So I hope you follow me on this journey, keep me honest, keep me inspired, and most importantly, keep me motivated to make it to the end. This project will be incremental – I will continue my normal Flickr account and my regular blog with this on top. (and for those that care, in order to do this, I will be creating a new Flickr account for this called ajbrusteinthreesixfive and blog all my photos from there. Not sure it is the best thing to do, but in my limited time to think about it, that was the solution). Stay tuned…