Archive for January, 2011

031/365 highabovetheclouds

OK, today I found out how serious I am about this threesixfive. I got on a plane to Miami this evening after being in an all day long meeting, brought my SLR on and stored it under the seat in front of me, and the proceeded to shoot (much to the annoyance of the guy sitting next to me) for 45 minutes watching the entire sunset process. Then, getting to my hotel and trying to get the internet to work and uploading my photos to my work computer (from a CF card mind you) and uploading to Flickr while trying to actually do what I came her for – work. So, this 365 really controls my life now, but I vow to stick through it till the end. I will be off commenting for a week though till I get back – just can’t do it all…
BTW – it was a horrible day weather-wise in Atlanta today, but once you get over the clouds, it was beautiful. And Miami is fabulous.

030/365 thirty

030/365 thirty, originally uploaded by ajbrusteinthreesixfive.

Took 659 photos today and had no intention of using any of them for my threesixfive. So got home and had to think of something. It is my thirtieth day and also my last day in the house for a week so I figured why not use some random house stuff – and baby toys come to the rescue again.

029/365 oblivious

029/365 oblivious, originally uploaded by ajbrusteinthreesixfive.

It was such a beautiful day out today that we decided to go out and enjoy it – and the nearest green space where we were was the Historic Decatur Cemetery. It is a relatively big one, nothing that special, took some cool shots but liked this one the best. Call it the circle of life, opposites, ignorance, innocence – or just call it a cute shot.

028/365 lightinthetunnel

Had a conference I attended today. It was kinda boring. But the good thing was it was close to the Krog St Tunnel which let me go shoot both before and after the conference. Its is pretty awesome there!

027/365 whenigrowup

027/365 whenigrowup, originally uploaded by ajbrusteinthreesixfive.

A parent’s job is to push their child forward. To stand in the shadows with the child in the spotlight. To serve as a role model. To inspire. To marvel at their own creation.

026/365 tastetherainbow

So recently I have been in love with colors and macro. But the lighting in my house is just not conducive for shooting macro. So I pulled out the starter photo studio kit that has been napping in its room and started playing. I love it! Expect to see more macro shots moving forward. This is Skittles Blenders btw. I don’t know what exactly is blended but they taste pretty good.

025/365 mechanicalstairway

This is a weird elevator at my office. It is only wide enough for 1 person, goes direct from the 1st floor to the 5th floor, and changes from going down in the morning to up in the evening. It’s kinda freaky. But I always wanted to take a picture of it. Luckily I had to leave the office early today to get to an agency meeting and no one was around so I could set up the tripod and shoot it.

024/365 goodstarttotheweek

Why not start the week off right, with a beautiful sunrise? Nothing can make a horrible, loud, extremely aggravating rail yard look peaceful, serene, and motionless like a sunrise. So, there you have it.

023/365 notwhatihopedfor

I came to this location hoping to use the toy I borrow from a friend – Singh-Ray Vari-ND Filter – hoping to grab a shot of the highway without any cars. It worked except I didn’t think about daytime running lights so I ended up not being able to get rid of the cars heading uptown. Next time I’ll make a longer exposure but I ended up keeping this shot only because I liked the reflection off the buildings.

022/365 dayinthelifeofaparent

So went to bed last night with an idea of what I wanted to shoot today. Unfortunately it didn’t work out as planned. Baby was in a bad mood (thus the crying) and I needed to train my assistant camera man (my wife) on hoe to line me up better (I ended up having to move my laying down version and deleting another shot entirely) so in the end, this is labeled a failure. But when it gets warmer out we’ll make it work. Or maybe I’ll just do it indoors next time…